Here are my Memories of Puzzlewood, such a Magical Forest. Just outside Colford UK is Puzzlewood. You can also enjoy the Coleford Great Western Railway Museum, Coleford Town Square and the Market Cross all right where the bus drops you off in the center of town.
I was in Worcester and rode the train to Gloucester, took 43 min and cost $12.80. I then caught the 10:02 bus from the Gloucester Bus Station to Coleford, which took 72 min and cost $5.20, leaves every 30 min. It is a wonderful ride – I especially enjoy riding on the upper deck in the front seat with full windows to watch the rolling hills dotted with trees, farm houses & sheep. The property lines are divided by hedges. Of course each town has the all important church steeple & the occasional lake. After the farmlands the route goes thru a few small towns & a then a forest with a carpet of ferns, all quite lovely.
The bus stops in the town square, across from the Market Cross. From

there you can walk to Puzzlewood, it takes about 20min. The forest is open from 10-17:00 & costs $6.50. It really is a great way to spend a few hours. It is an ancient forest walk. All the rocks & trees are covered in a lush moss giving it an other worldly look & feel. I expected to see the Fellowship of the Ring or a band of Orcs at every turn.
On my return bus I met a seven year old named Wild in his right smart school uniform & Minions backpack – he liked my sun glasses & my rings. He wants a green motorcycle when he grows up. So cute, “Hello Wild – I hope we meet again.”
Be sure to check out my “Visions of Puzzlewood England” photos for more specificity with captions and write ups on all there is to do in Puzzlewood…