I was pleasantly surprised with Hastings England. I was not sure where I would stop between Dover & Eastbourne – I just knew the bus trip was longer then I wanted to do in one day. So, I just picked Hastings because it was midway. There was an inexpensive Airbnb and the town looked like a quaint fishing village. I arrived by bus (as usual) and my host family shared their dinner with me and their son & I played games – fun night. Mom said that he “never” talks with anyone and was impressed that he took to me so quickly. During dinner they asked if I was in town for the Parade – Parade, what Parade? Well as it turns out there is an annual “Fire Parade” – The Hasting Borough Society’s Spectacular Torch Lit Processional, Bon Fire & Fireworks – Celebrating the Thwarting of the Gunpowder Plot of November 5th 1605…

So – heck yea I’m sticking around. I contacted my next host and told him I would be arriving late. Checked out the next morning and explored the town with my backpack on all day. I don’t normally do this (it’s only happened about three times & never for this long, which ended up being about 12 hours) but it’s part of the reasons I keep it as light as possible – 22 lbs.
Loved the area, had some great, fresh seafood (Cockles in particular). After about seven hours of walking around & exploring – I found a comfortable place on the rocky beach and just watched the ocean for four hours. I had specifically located myself for perfect viewing of the parade and bonfire & what a spectacle it was. Hundreds of participants dressed up in all sorts of costumes – Pirates, Steam Punk and the lot. And everyone carried a lit torch – scary cool. All marching along the main waterfront street – hundreds of small fires and no bike barricades to keep the public back. But it all went very well – the procession marched the length of the road and then back again, ending at the HUGE stack of pallets and wood, when they tossed the torches igniting the pile and making the largest bon fire I have ever Experienced. It was amazing and certainly a highlight of my trip so far. When the fire reached a crescendo the Fireworks started – it was at this point that I ran to the Train station to catch the next train to Eastbourne (it would be an hour later if I missed it and it was already 22:00). I made it with 4 min to spare – just enough time to pee, which I had to do for about two hours.

Whew… Thank you, Hastings for an amazing, unexpected time. I love the spontaneity of travel without planning. One of my mottos “If you don’t plan – you don’t miss anything”. And sometimes you find the most incredible experiences.
Be sure to check out my “Visions of Hastings England” photos for more specificity with captions and write ups on all there is to do in Brighton England… Plus my TripAdvisor reviews will give detailed insight…